Twenty-Three UChicago Faculty Receive Named Professorships or Have Been Appointed Distinguished Service Professors
Twenty-three University of Chicago faculty members have received named professorships or have been appointed distinguished service professors.
Profs. Maud Ellmann, Maryellen Giger, Melissa Gilliam, Ralph Koijen, Raphael Lee, Salikoko Mufwene, Stefan Nagel, Lucia Rothman-Denes, Margaret Beale Spencer, Amir Sufi and Dmitri Talapin received distinguished service professorships, while Profs. Anthony Casey, Jing Chen, Herschella Conyers, Dhammika Dharmapala, Rina Foygel Barber, Laura Gagliardi, Anastasia Giannakidou, R. Tamara Konetzka, Stephan Palmié, Selywn Rogers, Sonja Starr and Alexander Todorov received named professorships.