Graduate Students

Drawn from Music: Art Exhibition Opens Window into Composers' Creative Process

Map of Form by University Professor Augusta Read Thomas; Image courtesy of UChicago Arts

For composers, drawing a “map” of music can give shape to a new work and articulate its overarching ideas. As evocations of the composer’s intentions—from sweeping curves to stars, birds and brightly-colored dots—such maps capture the ebbs and flows within a musical piece and complement musical scores, serving as guides for performers.

MAPS OF FORM, a new exhibition at the University of Chicago’s Logan Center for the Arts, presents a collection of these musical illustrations as works of art in their own right. Drawn by UChicago faculty and graduate composition students, the maps vary from abstract representations of operatic arias in numbers and letters to contemporary works illustrated with chariots and drawings of hanging mobiles.

The UChicagoGRAD Diversity Advisory Board Announced the Fourth Annual Diversity Awards.

Students Mehta and Sun, Diversity Awardees 2024
The University of Chicago’s Annual Diversity Awards recognize, honor, and celebrate the significant contributions of underrepresented students who have taken leadership roles or made exceptional contributions to the university's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. The Division of the Humanities congratulates this year’s 17 awardees! Under the “Furthering" Diversity category, which recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within their division or school at UChicago, two Humanities graduate students were recognized, Shefali Mehta and Susanna Sun.

Bridging Research and Public: Humanities Students Engage Diverse Audiences

Photo of Humanities students and staff
The 2024 UChicagoGRAD’s Research Speaks and Transcending Boundaries Symposium: Resilient Research: Diverse Approaches, Unified Solutions, provided essential forums for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to present their research to the university community, their peers, and the broader public. This year’s events featured presentations from students across campus, including notable contributions from four Humanities graduate students: Natalie Cortez, Caitlin Kropp, Yin Cai, and Yves Cao. Cortez, Kropp, and Cai gave presentations for Research Speaks, which was held in partnership with the Field Museum, while Cao spoke at the Sixth Annual Transcending Boundaries Symposium, organized by UChicagoGRAD’s Diversity Advisory Board.

Four Humanities Graduate Students Shine at the 2023 Transcending Boundaries Symposium

Transcending Boundaries Symposiym Image

By María Carrasquilla

On April 29, 2023, the annual Transcending Boundaries symposium, organized by the Diversity Advisory Board (DAB) with support from UChicagoGRAD, welcomed 13 students from several divisions across UChicago who presented research projects around the theme of “Truth, Transformation, Healing.” Four graduate students from the Division of the Humanities presented a broad spectrum of research, including dance in soccer, representation in archives, and grief.

For Rachel Chery, who co-presented “Baile Donde Quieras”: The Global Politics of Black Dance in Fútbol, with Jonah Francese, both PhD candidates from the Music Department, Transcending Boundaries allows for more collaboration in her work. “In the humanities, we don’t get to present our work together often,” Chery said. “Presenting together allows us to respond better to specific questions. In our case, Jonah does the dance activism part of our research. I am more interested in how people talk about it—the social media part.”
