David Nirenberg on Anti-Judaism in 'The Chronicle of Higher Education'
David Nirenberg, the Deborah R. and Edgar D. Jannotta Professor of History and Social Thought, wrote an article titled "Anti-Judaism as Critical Theory" for The Chronicle of Higher Education. Nirenberg, who studies "the ways in which Jewish, Christian, and Islamic cultures constitute themselves by inter-relating with or thinking about each other," echoes Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism when he asks in the article, "How and why do ideas about Jews and Judaism become convincing explanations for the state of the world in a given time and place?" Utilizing theorists like Arendt, Marx, and Hegel, Nirenberg traces the history of thinking about Judaism and how that thought has shaped our view of the world.
Read the full article here, and find his latest book Anti-Judaism: The Western Tradition here.