DoVA Faculty Members and Alumni Recognized as "Chicago's Artists' Artists"

Seven faculty members and alumni from the Department of Visual Arts appear in Newcity’s 2014 Art 50. Newcity publishes the list every other year “…to celebrate the accomplishments of a few people who work hard and smart, and who happen to call Chicago their home,” billing the artists as “Chicago’s Artists’ Artists.”
Faculty members listed include Theaster Gates, Jessica Stockholder, William Pope.L , and Jason Salavon. Alumni Marc Fischer (MFA’95) and Brett Bloom (MFA’96), noted for their work with the artist-collective Temporary Services, were listed alongside their fellow alumnus, Dan Peterman (MFA’86).
Newcity applauded the UChicago artists for their engagement with the larger community, from Theaster Gates’ 95th Street CTA Terminal to Dan Peterman’s The Experimental Station. The publication also noted the continuing influence of these faculty members and alumni on younger artists, pointing out Marc Fischer’s “Against Competition” essay and Jason Salavon’s founding of the Hack Arts Lab at UChicago as two important examples.
To read more about the UChicago artists and to view the whole list, visit Newcity.