Meet the Staff: Tiffany Parach

More than 100 staff members work in the Division of the Humanities. We'll introduce you to our staff in this continuing series.
Tiffany Parach
Senior Director, Financial and Grant Services
Office: Walker 111D
What do you like most about your job?
I love the creative problem solving aspect of my job. We are routinely presented with unique challenges and complex problems in financial and grant administration. I love strategizing compliant solutions to these challenges. I also love improving service delivery by establishing effective best practices and systems. We meet as a team often to focus on how we can improve the process for the local units and the division as a whole. We have a team-based approach to service delivery and I enjoy working with the FGS team to deliver these services.
What was the last good book you read?
Lately, I mainly read a lot of policy and procedure manuals. When I am not reading manuals, I do love to read the short stories by Langston Hughes. The one I am wrapping up now is his Not So Simple: The "Simple" Stories. I am about to start on a new book written by one of my colleagues Courtney Guerra, Is This Working? The Businesslady’s Guide to Getting What You Want from Your Career. I am excited to read this new book and have it signed by our very own Courtney Guerra.
You might work with me if you need..
….approval for financial transactions including GEMS, ePayments, BuySite, Workday/Payroll and etc. I also oversee grant applications and awards for the division in addition to overseeing the financial security access for the division. Most individuals know that I oversee the GEMS (corporate) card system for the division. We have more than 240 GEMS cards in the division. I also oversee the payroll delivery for approximately 750 individuals in the division. If you have a conference and need your participants to have Wi-Fi access, I also handle that as well.
Any advice for the end of fiscal year?
Please reconcile your GEMS charges often. Please submit ePayments early. Please stay within your allocated budget.
What are you most looking forward to this summer?
Summer is the busiest time of year for me given my position. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to beautiful weather and taking my twin girls to park. They turn three years old on Father’s Day, June 18th.
What’s your dream summer vacation?
I would love to travel to Belize or back to Paris with my husband. The key to my dream is having at least two weeks off work.