Meet the Staff: Barbara L. Williams Myers

More than 100 staff members work in the Division of the Humanities. We'll introduce you to our staff in this continuing series.
Barbara L. Williams Myers
Project Administrator, Dean of Students Office
Office: Walker Museum, Suite 111
What do you like most about your job?
I like supporting people with practical solutions. and streamlining necessary processes. This position gives me daily opportunities to do both for staff and students. And my view of the quad out my Walker window always provides an entertaining break when I need one.
What was the last good book you read?
I’m really enjoying the memoir Strangers Tell Me Things by Amy Dickinson. I like listening to her on Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me, and reading her advice column in the Tribune. The book is funny, touching, and refreshingly honest from someone whose job is advising others on their own troubles. I’m also rereading a Swedish novella that I’m translating and adore. The list of good books I’ve read is long and varied—I’m always happy to give and receive recommendations!
You might work with me if you...
…help with many graduation and convocation matters, candidacy and defense forms processed, answers to questions about UChicago and external ed transcripts, STS and AIS access for HUM staff members, a Dean’s Representative for a defense…
Do you have a favorite podcast?
I just started listening to podcasts—I avoided them for a long time out of a very Luddite style of stubbornness. Now I listen to Two Dope Queens, which is raw, insightful, and hilarious..